Hello, my name is Ryan Nickel

A personal blog focused on (primarily) software.

My first go project

It’s no secret that I’m currently enamoured with Go, as well as the projects it powers. (Docker I’m looking at you). As such I recently started my first project with the lovely “new” language. I wanted a project that would be easy to start and equally something that I’d get some utility out of. I thought I would get my feet wet by creating yet another static site generator. The very generator I use to build this site (because dogfooding is important!).

Logging with Docker and Loggly

In part 2 of this series, I’m going to explore using Loggly to aggregate my Docker container logs. When designing scalable software, typically you’ll end up with many instances of a single service. Signing into each instance to view logs can be very troublesome (and annoying!). Luckily there are ways to get around this annoyance. Enter Loggly.

Logging with Docker

As of late I’ve been trying to learn Docker. I’ve been using Ansible / Vagrant for quite some time now with great success. The only problem I have with this combination is that it takes up quite a bit of system resources to run each instance. The idea of running a single VM and individual containers for each service really speaks to me. However, having many containers leads to many locations to look for logs. This is an annoyance I’d wish to avoid.

Hello world

Welcome to my personal site. Here I will be posting my “thought poops”. It’s mostly musings about development and design related stuff… I think. I likely won’t be writing too much. The site is more of a place for me to experiment.