Hello, my name is Ryan Nickel

A personal blog focused on (primarily) software.

On Getting AWS Solutions Architect Certified

Having accomplished my personal challenge of completing an olympic triathlon (while simultaneously rediscovering my love of cycling), I decided to tackle a professional challenge.

My Thoughts on WWDC 2019

WWDC is an event I’ve been watching every year since I think 2007, the year they announced the iPhone. At the time I was a big Apple fanboy.

Creating My Ideal React Native Projects With TypeScript ESLint, Prettier and VSCode

With the announcement of TSLint being deprecated in favour of using ESLint

Rendering dynamic components with React Native and the performance implications

I am currently working on a project that cries out for flexibility and dynamic functionality. Different builds require slightly different UI.

Migrating from 1Password to KeePassXC

I’m a big proponent of password managers, and I’ve been a heavy user of 1Password for a long time now. Several years ago, I purchased it for Mac, Windows, iOS and Android.

On Deleting My Facebook Account

I’m deleting my Facebook account.

Docker and Charles

Ah, Charles. Every mobile developers’ best friend. When logging fails and you just can’t figure it out, it’s time to go deep into the system and see the raw data.

More Project Updates

As I write more posts I’ve noticed more and more glaring holes in my site design / StaticSiteGenerator solution. A few pain points if you will. In an effort to reflect on my projects every so often I figured I’d take a few notes on my blog / StaticSiteGenerator.

Logging with Docker and Sumo Logic

SumoLogic is another player in the ever growing logging aggregator / log analytics service providers. In my quest to find the “sweet spot” of tools to use for my software solutions I thought I’d give them a try. It also gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into Docker and explore my options.

Playing With Docker Enviornment Variables

Managing various enviornments can always be a challenging task. Things have changed substantially over the years. With the introduction of AWS and other PaaS providers introducing their own solutions and the vast differences that can occur between developers own machines, staging, QA and production, we as developers and solution architects have to be ever vigilant in our quest to keep things simple, and stable.